Услуги трансфера | Аквапарк Рамаяна, Паттайя, Таиланд

в Аквапарк

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Частный микроавтобус макс.: 13 пассажиров

Наш частный микроавтобус обеспечивает эксклюзивную поездку в Аквапарк Рамаяна, а также прямой трансфер из вашего местоположения. Воспользуйтесь просторным микроавтобусом с кондиционером для вашей группы, что обеспечит вам уединенное, комфортное путешествие без стрессов.

1000 THB / микроавтобус

Время прибытия может незначительно измениться (±15 минут) в зависимости от местоположения вашего отеля. Если произойдут какие-либо изменения, мы уведомим вас по электронной почте за 1 час до прибытия.

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Контактные данные

Поездка в Аквапарк Рамаяна

Pick-up time (in case of shared van) may slightly change ±15 minutes depending on your hotel location. If any changes occur we will notify you by email 1 hour in advance.

Детали заказа





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Способ оплаты

Банковские карты
Оплата на Alipay
Оплата на GrabPay
Rabbit Line Pay
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В тайском банке
Наличными в кассе парка

Далее вы будете перенаправлены на страницу оплаты

Ваш ваучер на трансфер в Аквапарк Рамаяна

Popular questions

  • How can I book transfer only for drop-off? Do I need to book it in advance?

    If you need only a return transfer to travel back to your hotel/condo (by a shared van) in Pattaya, it is advisable to inform us in advance via email or upon arrival at the park. Before boarding, please purchase the transfer ticket at the cashiers of the water park, only customers with purchased tickets will be allowed to board. Please wait and be ready for departure at 17.15 outside the water park (very close to VIP parking lot). Departure time is 05.30 pm.

  • How can I go back to my hotel/condo earlier than it is scheduled?

    Since the departure from the water park (by a shared van) is fixed for 05.30 pm, we recommend you consider ordering transfer by a private car or private van, or a taxi.

  • Can I change my pick-up or drop-off time?

    Normally pick-up time and drop-off time for transfer by a shared van are fixed and available only at the scheduled time offered on our website. If you book transfer by a private car or a private van, pick-up and drop-off can be arranged at any time of your preference. Just inform us by email the preferred pick-up and departure time from the water park for you.

  • How can I change my pick-up address or drop-off address?

    If you need to change your pick-up address, please contact us via any channel suitable for you and let us know your new pick-up addres. If you need to change only your drop-off address, it will be enough to tell the driver your new drop-off address before boarding.

  • How much is the transfer fare for children under 106 cm?

    It is completely free for children under 106 cm to have a ride on a shared van together with their parent(s).

  • How can I cancel my order or change my pick-up day?

    It is completely fine if you would like to cancel your order or just change your pick-up day. Please send us a message via any channel convenient for you to request cancellation or let us know your new pick-up date.

  • What should I do if the driver did not arrive at the appointed time?

    If the driver is late more than 10 minutes please contact us via any channel convenient for you.

  • What should I do if I missed my pick-up time?

    Please consider changing your visit day by informing us via any channel convenient for you or taking a taxi to make it to the water park. The return transfer will be arranged as usual.

  • Will the driver call us when he arrives at our hotel/condo?

    To spend the minimum time on pick-up at each hotel, please be waiting in the lobby of your hotel/condo at the appointed time. Depending on a situation you may receive a phone call from our driver (if a local phone number provided in the booking) to be informed about an unexpected change or situation, for example, a congested traffic on the way, etc. However, communication by email is preferred.

  • Who can I contact If I forgot my belongings on the van/car?

    If you forgot any of your belongings in our transfer vehicle, please contact us via any channel convenient for you and let us know your booking details.

  • Is it allowed to bring big bags/suitcases on board?

    You can contact us via any following channel: telephone No 033005929, facebook inbox (https://www.facebook.com/RamayanaWaterParkThailand), Line messenger (@ramayanawaterpark), live chat on our website.

  • Do you offer pick-up and drop-off at Bangkok? At Rayong?

    Presently pick-up and drop-off are available only at hotels/condos in Pattaya area only.

  • How can we contact you if we need your assistance?

    You can contact us via any following channel: telephone No 033005929, facebook inbox (https://www.facebook.com/RamayanaWaterParkThailand), Line messenger (@ramayanawaterpark), live chat on our website.